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The best seasons of Supernatural

Explore the comprehensive ranking of Supernatural seasons, meticulously evaluated through thousands of fan votes. Uncover the top-rated moments that define the brilliance of Supernatural!

When they were boys, Sam and Dean Winchester lost their mother to a mysterious and demonic supernatural force. Subsequently, their father raised them to be soldiers. He taught them about the paranormal evil that lives in the dark corners and on the back roads of America ... and he taught them how to kill it. Now, the Winchester brothers crisscross the country in their '67 Chevy Impala, battling every kind of supernatural threat they encounter along the way.
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Season 2

#1 - Season 2

Season 3

#2 - Season 3

The yellow-eyed demon is vanquished, but at a terrible price. The battle that brought him down released hundreds of demons from Hell into an unsuspecting world. And it cost Sam his life. But a grief-stricken Dean made a deal with the Crossroad Demon: his soul for Sam's resurrection. Now Dean has just one year to live. One year to fight the unholy, the twisted, the ghoulish. One year to say farewell to Sam. And one year for Sam to search desperately for some way to save his brother. Mind-bending ...
Season 4

#3 - Season 4

Resurrection. After enduring unspeakable torture, Dean escapes from Hell, rescued by an all-powerful creature he's never seen before an Angel a warrior of God who recruits Sam and Dean in Heaven's battle against Hell. And there are whispers that a certain fallen angel will soon be freed from his prison deep in Hell: Lucifer. If Sam and Dean can't stop it if Lucifer walks free he'll bring on the Apocalypse. Meanwhile, the Winchester brothers reunite and hit the road, battling the supernatural whe...
Season 5

#4 - Season 5

Two brothers and one fallen angel - against all the might of Satan and his army! As the Apocalypse grows closer, threatening to turn Earth into a battlefield soaked with human blood, Sam, Dean and Castiel struggle against daunting odds. New foes arise, including the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Old friends depart, consumed by the fearsome wrath of Hell. Through it all, the Winchesters are targeted by demons and angels alike, who warn that each brother has a special and terrible role to play ...
Season 6

#5 - Season 6

The prize: ending the Apocalypse. The price: Sam's life. Season 5's horrific finale left Dean alone, as Sam descended into Hell. Now a different man, Dean vows to stop hunting and devote himself to building a family with Lisa and her son Ben. Then, mysteriously, Sam reappears, drawing Dean back into the old life. But Sam's a different man too. He's returned without his soul. How the Winchesters confront this greatest challenge yet to their powerful bond is the troubled heart - and soul - of the...
Season 1

#6 - Season 1

Season 7

#7 - Season 7

In Season 7, Sam and Dean fight demons. Real demons, like Lucifer, who tortures Sam with visions of Hell. Private demons, as the brothers face a traumatic personal loss when Bobby is cut down by alien forces. And as Sam and Dean travel the back roads of America, hunting monsters who wreak havoc on the innocent, a new and more terrible foe hunts them: Leviathans, freed from Purgatory and immune to the brothers' arsenal of weapons and cunning. With Bobby gone, all Sam and Dean can rely on is each...
Season 13

#8 - Season 13

Season 8

#9 - Season 8

After a year apart, Sam and Dean are reunited in the Eighth Season premiere. After escaping from Purgatory with the help of a vampire named Benny, Dean heads straight for Sam, but the reunion isn't exactly everything he imagined it would be. Although Sam drops everything to join his brother, leaving the life he had grown accustomed to enjoy turns out to be harder than he imagined. In the meantime, Benny’s help turns out to be more than what Dean bargained for. As the brothers struggle with their...
Season 11

#10 - Season 11

Season 9

#11 - Season 9

Season 12

#12 - Season 12

Season 15

#13 - Season 15

Season 10

#14 - Season 10

Season 14

#15 - Season 14
